🌺 Spring (FS) 2022

Deepen your knowledge about advanced software engineering practices. The lectures will be complemented by a development team project, which enables active learning during the lecture and a realistic use case that serves as an example to support the preparation before and after the lecture. At the end of the course, the students will present their projects. Students will be graded in three parts: the team project, individual report, and final exam.


📌 Organization

👨‍🏫 Instructor: Prof. Dr. Harald C. Gall

✉️ E-mail: [email protected]

🧑‍🏫 Instructor: Dr. Pasquale Salza

✉️ E-mail: [email protected]

Lecture: Mondays, 12:15 – 13:45, BIN-2.A.10 (Seminarraum)

🇬🇧 Language: English

👨‍🎓 Target: M.Sc. Informatics students

ECTS: 6 points

Prerequisites: Software Engineering, Programming

🗃 Registration: Registration at the course introduction lecture and through Modulbuchung

📨 Contact: E-mail Dr. Pasquale Salza for any administrative matters

🗣 OLAT: https://lms.uzh.ch/auth/RepositoryEntry/17187176816

💬 Microsoft Teams: https://msteams.link/6AKZ

📰 News

<aside> 📢 May 27, 2022 The presentations will take place on May 23, 2022 12:15 PM (GMT+2) → 1:45 PM in the BIN-2.A.10 (Seminarraum) room.


<aside> 📢 April 25, 2022 We are happy to announce a new lecture on Best Practices for Testing and Debugging of Cloud Applications, given by Dr. Waldemar Hummer on May 2, 2022


<aside> 📢 April 10, 2022 The lecture on Continuous Software Development by Dr. Carmine Vassallo will be given online on Zoom at the link: https://uzh.zoom.us/j/65645920857?pwd=M1plTW5wajN4SjB0bW9BektqL0U5QT09


<aside> 📢 March 25, 2022 CORRECTION: The lecture on Program Representations and Parsing by Dr. Carol Alexandru will be given online on Microsoft Teams in the #General channel

The lecture on Program Representations and Parsing by Dr. Carol Alexandru will be given online on Zoom at the link: https://uzh.zoom.us/j/67634767705?pwd=Unh0WFViZ2NkS2VLeVNHczc5SHdEdz09


<aside> 📢 March 18, 2022 The lecture on Software Testing by Prof. Dr. Valerio Terragni will be given online on Zoom at the link: https://uzh.zoom.us/j/61693960475?pwd=YlJMQmtyY05lSHhyakxad3NINlA4UT09
